An Interview with Tracy Bryant


Words by Sarah Morrison

Solo artist Tracy Bryant has returned with a new single ‘Between Us’; delving into the reality that nobody has all the answers. The song, released on a 7” vinyl through Third Eye Stimuli Records (Aus) and Six Tonnes De Chair Records (FR), is accompanied by Bryant’s new hit ‘House of Mirrors.’

We had a quick catch up with Bryant to chat on the single releases, challenges of recording, co-writing with his partner Kimberly Fitzner, and joining the Third Eye Stimuli roster.


Your last album ‘Hush’ was recorded over a two year period. With these new singles, are these ones that didn’t make it onto the record or did you start working on these following the release of the album?

Yes, more or less. 'Between Us' was one of the earlier songs recorded during the 'Hush' recordings. The song has gone unchanged since it was recorded, but not used on that album due to its standalone feeling opposed to being part of that collection of songs. The b-side 'House of Mirrors' was also recorded at the time, but I had different lyrics and a different melody that didn't feel right. In the last couple of months, I re-visited the song, added the piano part, and wrote new lyrics for the new melody.

“Trying to help someone who thinks they have all the answers when they clearly don’t. Nobody does.” The theme of the songs feels very suiting to the new times we are living in. Was this written in perspective to something you experienced, on either end of the story?

Yes, the song is about just that, trying to help out someone who listens but doesn't actually listen. All of my songs have a piece of my truth and experiences in them. People are set in their ways and many have a wall up against any ideas that aren't their own... which can be damaging for some.

You started co-writing some of your music with your wife Kimberly Fitzner. How much of an impact has she had on the overall result? Has your time in quarantine given either of you a newfound way of creative exploration?

Her influence has definitely been something that has changed my perspective quite a bit, especially with the new music I have been writing. She has her own songs that she begins with a melody and lyrics and then she usually works out parts on the piano to suit the melody. I used to mostly write the music first on guitar and then work out a melody and lyrics later, but I've found from working with her that focusing on the melody of the song (whether it's found on piano or just discovered first) can leave more room for experimentation and arrangement when it comes to the music built around it.

Is she the vocalist who can be heard on ‘House of Mirrors’?

No, that is me doing the high vocal as well on that song.

‘House of Mirrors’ your second single found on the B-Side release, is a lot darker/slower than ‘Between Us.’ In what ways do you believe they balance each other out? What tied the two together?

I thought it was a good contrast, 'Between Us' is a little more upbeat, and 'House of Mirrors' always had sort of a B-Side feeling to it. I also had seen the art done by Caio Wheelhouse before deciding on the B-Side song, and he made a nice light/dark theme that worked well with them both.


You once described the recording as “It’s a challenge, you have this little mountain that you climb. I think there’s this human condition of setting these challenges. You’re a little nervous to do it, then you do it and you’re happy you did it!” What do you find seems to be the most common thing you find challenging or frustrating when it does come to this process?

I like recording and spending time in the studio. I don't get really get frustrated...of course, some songs don't come out exactly how you may have imagined them but I've found if I don't hold on to the original idea too strongly that I always end up satisfied with how they end up.

Has this isolation period brought in any new challenges to the recording/writing process that you hadn’t experienced prior?

Not really...writing is sort of an isolated process so spending time listening to different music and taking time to write hasn't been too different. There's actually been more time to focus on that opposed to being taken away from it rehearsing songs to play shows.

Although this is just a sample size release, do you have plans for anything larger in the New Year? Did you originally hope to put out more but have decided to withhold for the time being?

I've been preparing a new batch of songs during this time so there will be a new album ready next year.

You’ve started working with Third Eye Stimuli who are from Australia. How long have you been talking to them about your next set of releases? There’s been an obvious shift in the music industry, especially in California over the past few months, did that play a factor at all into the type of trust and representation that you were looking for?

The way that I connected to Third Eye Stimuli was through Laurent at Six Tonnes De Chair. I reached out to Laurent with the song 'Between Us' after seeing that he released a 7" for Doug Tuttle, who's music I like. Laurent was interested and later on suggested doing the single as a co-release with Third Eye Stimuli. This was all established months before the events took place in California that you're referring to. I always like to work with people whom I respect, and both of these labels have done a great job and I couldn't have asked for more with this release.


Between Us by Tracy Bryant, released 02 October 2020 1. Between Us 2. House of Mirrors Third Eye Stimuli Records (Aus) and Six Tonnes De Chair Records (FR) are very pleased to bring you the brand new 7" release from Los Angeles' Tracy Bryant.

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